Följande kom just från Marina:
It is so hard. Florian is fighting for his life and his chances of survival are very small. The problem is that his new bone-marrow thinks that his body is a foreign body and is attacking every organ, one after the other. His skin, eyes, liver and mouth have healed but now he is bleeding profusely from his kidneys and gut and losing too much fluid. The doctors are doing all they can for him but they just don't know what to do next. He is in very much pain and in danger of blood-clots on one hand, bleeding on the other hand, and catching a lethal infection at any time. He is already being given all possible antibiotic, anti-viral and fungicide medication. But he and his mother pray together and he wears the miraclulous medal, and he has been given the sacraments. On friday the priest is visiting him again. Everybody who knows him and lots of people who don't know him are praying for him. We try to leave it up to God now.
Thank you for praying
It is so hard. Florian is fighting for his life and his chances of survival are very small. The problem is that his new bone-marrow thinks that his body is a foreign body and is attacking every organ, one after the other. His skin, eyes, liver and mouth have healed but now he is bleeding profusely from his kidneys and gut and losing too much fluid. The doctors are doing all they can for him but they just don't know what to do next. He is in very much pain and in danger of blood-clots on one hand, bleeding on the other hand, and catching a lethal infection at any time. He is already being given all possible antibiotic, anti-viral and fungicide medication. But he and his mother pray together and he wears the miraclulous medal, and he has been given the sacraments. On friday the priest is visiting him again. Everybody who knows him and lots of people who don't know him are praying for him. We try to leave it up to God now.
Thank you for praying
Till alla ni som har bett för min brorson Florian, 13 år, med leukemi: Tusen Tack för era böner! Florians mamma har skrivit att det är så gott som säkert att hans cancer är HELT BORTA! Det är fantastiskt! Däremot lider han svårt av den avstötningsreaktion som kroppen har fått mot de nya transplanterade stamceller som han fått av en vuxen donator. Dessa celler håller nu på att skapa ny benmärg. Innan transplantationen, för sex veckor sedan, fick han massiv cellgiftsbehandling som helt dödade hans egen benmärg (och förhoppningsvis även cancercellerna). Men läkarna säger att ju kraftigare reaktion på de främmande cellerna, desto större chans att cancern inte kommer tillbaka. Det betyder nämligen att de är olika hans egna gamla celler. (men tillräckligt lika för att kunna accepteras alls). Så nu ska han kämpa sig igenom den här pärsen. Fortsätt gärna be för honom och hans föräldrar som är hos honom dygnet runt. Han har syskon också (11 och 15 år) så det krävs en del pusslande med familj och vänner för att det ska gå ihop.
Återigen tack!
Återigen tack!
besökare har varit här minst en gång. Om vi sprider adressen blir vi fler! Kanske några också blir inspirerade... |