

Veckobrev Ordinary 19

Dear Friends,

 It has taken me most of the past week to settle back into life in Clonard after the ten days I spent with my family in Donegal. It was great being there with them. Now it is equally great being here with the Community and the people who come to Clonard and are in touch with us. Thank you for your love and kindness to us and to me.

 Attached is my input for next Sunday and the week following it. The theme is the extraordinary gift of the Eucharist, the source and summit of all our spirituality as followers of Christ. I hope you will find it helpful for yourselves as couples, families and as members of your community of faith. Our Churches are now open again for the celebration of the Eucharist. However not all of us are comfortable going into crowds and so many continue to participate in the Mass online. However we take part, this week is a call to renew for ourselves the sense of awe that this great gift brings us to and to make it a week by week renewal of our faith in Christ among us and for the world in which we live.

 You will be in my prayers each day of the coming week as always. Please continue to pray for me and for all those who are following this programme of Couple Prayer in various ways. May God bless us all and continue to keep us safe in the week ahead.


Fr. Johnnys veckobrev på engelska hittar du härFr. Johnnys veckobrev översatt till svenska hittar du här.

Hej allihopa,

Den här veckan säger  P. Johnny till oss:  By far the most extraordinary  gift that God has given to his people is the Eucharist.  In it we are invited to constantly receive the Body and Blood of Christ as our nourishment for the journey of life. Den mest extraordinär gåva som Gud har givit hans folk är Eukaristin, Vi är erbjuden att konstant ta emot Kristus Kropp som näring för vår livsresa.  Resten finns i brevet.

Fr. Johnny  has invited us to pray for the vocation of the single person for the month of August.   "Single people live as disciples of Christ in the ordinary circumstances of their lives, using their gifts to bring peace and healing and hope to those around them. Fr. Johnny vill att vi ber för de som är kallade att leva ensam i augusti månad.  Människor som lever ensam lever som Kristi lärjungar i de vardagliga omständigheter av deras liv och använder deras gåvor för att ge frid, helande och hopp till de omkring dem.

God has called us with the gospel to share in the glory of Jesus Christ.  Med evangeliet har Gud kallat oss att dela Jesus Kristi härlighet.  Dagens Mässa, 9 augusti. 

 Come Holy Spirit, Fill the Hearts of Your Faithful and kindle in them the fire of Your love. Send forth Your Spirit and we shall be created and You will renew the face of the earth. Kom Helige Ande, fyll dina trognas hjärtan och tänd i dem Din kärleks eld. Sänd ut Din Ande och vi skall bli väckta och Du skall förnya jordens ansikte.

Varma hälsningar,




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