En Påskreflektion
Easter Reflection 2010
Strange things happen when people report Easter in the new testament. It takes people a while to take it all in; recognising what has happened is slow. There is an empty tomb but it takes a while to believe that maybe what he said is true – that he would rise from the dead.
They would meet Jesus in many ways..in the garden, in the breaking of bread ; on the shore some did and some didn’t.
Many signs
We recognise him in faith now in many ways....Look around the church here – the colours of creation in the flowers, every Eucharist is in memory of his death and resurrection, the confessional and receiving his forgiveness; we recognise him especially in the people near us and their goodness; in any creativity – new birth especially, art, music....any creation of life and love is a share in the life of God.
Also when we go outside of ourselves to others. Caring in any way we do for people near us and far away. Ways we die to selfishness and rise to love and compassion and care.. He has risen and we are signs of the resurrection.
The past is left behind
The tomb is empty and the old clothes left behind. All is new. His body, given for us on Holy Thursday, tortured and killed for us on Good Friday, is now risen in the body which is the community of the church. We do not see him yet we know him.’ Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe’.
Easter is a shout of joy that the Lord is risen here and now. That’s our shout today, Alleluia, the Lord is risen! We are now the body of the risen Christ!
Risen Lord, you raise us up in love, faith, hope and joy. In sharing your death, may we rise in glory with you.
Donal Neary SJ
besökare har varit här minst en gång. Om vi sprider adressen blir vi fler! Kanske några också blir inspirerade... |
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