

veckobrev Epiphany and the Baptism of Christ

Fr. Johnnys veckobrev på engelska hittar du härFr. Johnnys veckobrev översatt till svenska hittar du här.

Hej allihopa,
Jag är lite sen den här veckan. Vi har varit hos Patrick i Köpenhamn.  Fr Johnny har skickat brev för 2 veckor den här veckan.  Nästa vecka säger han till oss: "the baptism we have been promised is a baptism with the Holy Spirit and with fire.  Det dop som har lovats oss är ett dop med den Helige Ande och med eld". Resten finns i hans utmanande brev.

Vi har bett för Fr. Josef som är allvarligt sjuk. Imorse kom jag ihåg någonting som han sade till mig för många år sedan. "Prisa Herren med allt du gör". Det var när jag lyssnade till följande på "3 Minutes Retreat” på Loyola Press som jag blev påmind.

God, Father, Son and Spirit, you are the relationship I desire. Help me to know the power of that relationship in my own life so that all I do may give you praise. Gud, Fader, Son och Ande, du är den relation jag önskar. Hjälp mig att känna till makten av denna relation i mitt eget liv så att allt jag gör må lovprisa dig.

Vi hörs om ca två veckor.

God fortsättning på det nya året.

  Dear Friends,

 When I sent you my input for next week I forgot that I needed to send you the one for the following week as well.  I will be away all next week at our Redemptorist Chapter which is being held in Dromantine near Newry.  This will be a critical gathering for us so please pray for us as a Religious Order that we can build a great future for the Church.

 Attached you will find my input for the week beginning with the Baptism of Christ.  This brings Christmastide to an end and begins us on our journey with Christ through his life and ministry and leading us to Easter and beyond.

 Thank you for your faith and love.  God bless you and all your loved ones always.

Dear Friends,

I wish you and all your loved ones a very happy New Year.  I pray that it will be a year of health and happiness for you.  And I pray that it will be a year of renewed hope and joy for the Church.  There are many challenges ahead for all of us.  I hope we can face them with the confidence of our faith and with the support of one another.

 Attached is my input for next week, beginning with the feast of the Epiphany.  This is a reminder to all of us that Christmas is not over!!  Our focus on Christmas continues until the following week when we celebrate the feast of the Baptism of Christ.  It is up to us to keep the focus there because the world around us has now well and truly moved on to other things!!

 You are in my prayers every day and will continue to be in them throughout the new year.  Please pray for me and for one another.  God bless you always.



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