

Veckobrev Christ The King

Fr. Johnnys veckobrev på engelska hittar du härFr. Johnnys veckobrev översatt till svenska hittar du här
Hej allihopa,

Jag har inkluderat en fil om Nordic Family Days 21 - 24 Maj. Om ni inte kan öppna den, se information nedan.  Biskop Anders kommer att agera och också Dominikan syster Sophie.  Det officiella språket kommer att vara engelska eftersom det kommer folk från alla de skandinaviska länderna.  Nästa vecka kommer jag att bifoga programmet och förmodligen kommer det att finnas på bloggen.

Fr. Johnny ger oss hopp men samtidigt är han utmanande. Han skriver "At the end of the Liturgical Year we owe it to ourselves to let the past go in so far as it holds us back from being people of great love. Vid slutet av Kyrkoåret är vi skyldiga oss själva  att släppa det förgångna om det håller oss tillbaka från att vara människor av stor kärlek." Resten finns i brevet.

"We are bigger than our past, our mistakes, even if there were infidelities. To the end his faithful onlookers knew he had not wavered from his mission to love and forgive and care for the others till the last breath. This is love to the end; the love that is the root of mercy. Vi är större än vårt förflutna, våra misstag, även om där fanns trolösa handlingar. Till slutet visste hans trogna åskådare att Han inte hade vacklat från sin mission att älska och förlåta och ha omsorg om andra till hans sista andetag.  Detta är kärlek till slutet; kärleken som är barmhärtighetens rot." Donal Neary S.J.

Lord Jesus, may your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven. Herre Jesus, må Ditt rike komma så som på jorden som det är i himmelen.  Donal Neary S.J.

Varma Hälsningar,

Nordic Family Days

The Catholic Bishops of Scandinavia invite Catholic families from all five countries to a great gathering at Haugetun Boarding School, Norway with the theme Love in the Family—Strength for the Church .  May 21 - 24, 2020  (Kristi Himmelsfärdshelg)

Parents, children, teens, grandparents—small and big families alike— are all welcome to four days of inspiring talks, workshops, prayer and good sharings about the joys and challenges of family life in the light of our Catholic faith. Our Bishops will be there to encourage and guide us. 

The families will be lodged in the number of double rooms they need, most of them with individual bathrooms. The school provides extra mattresses for children and all bed clothes. Bring a baby cot if you need. Youth may be accommodated on mattresses in class rooms. Check out www.haugetun.no/internat and get acquainted with the place.

The prices include three nights at Haugetun Boarding School, all meals and a visit to the Old Town and St. Birgitta Church in Fredrikstad. Travel costs are not included. Prices Adults (12 years +): NOK 1500, Children 4-11 years: NOK 750 Children below 4 years: FREE                  Booking fee: NOK 250 per family

Dear Friends,

 With this email we come to the end of this Liturgical Year.  It has been a good year in so many ways for me and I hope for you and all your loved ones.  Thank you for the privilege of being with you for this time in our following of Christ and for the knowledge of your love for one another.
 Attached is my input for the feast of Christ the King.  I find this feast so uplifting in my own faith and in the sense of hope for the world in which we live.  Enjoy it and make it a week of thanksgiving to God for the great gift of faith that we have and of thanksgiving to one another for the gift of your marriage and family life that you are entrusted with.
 You are in my prayers that God may bless you and all your loved ones in the week ahead.  Please pray for me and for one another.



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