Veckobrev Ordinary 5
Dear Friends,
Greetings from a dull, drizzly day in Belfast – and probably much the same where many of you are!! And yet it is a good day, as we celebrate the feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple, also called Candlemas Day. It’s now forty days since we celebrated Christmas Day and we begin to move into our journey with Christ our light and the light of the world.
The focus for next Sunday and the week following is the healing power of Christ that extends from relatively small concerns to the greatest concerns for healing that the human spirit can have. Christ’s journey through the three years of his public life was marked by his attendance to the needs of those he met. And it continues to be that as we journey with him now.
I hope you will find the attached input helpful for yourselves as married couples, as families, as individuals and as communities of faith. Be assured of my prayers for you each day of the week ahead. I thank God for you and your goodness of faith and love. And I ask God to continue to bless you and all your loved ones and keep you all safe from this pandemic until we are through the danger and back into gladness and joy. Please pray for me and for one another in the week ahead.
Johnnys veckobrev på engelska hittar du här. Fr.
Johnnys veckobrev
översatt till svenska hittar du här.
Hej Allihopa,
Den här veckan skriver Fr. Johnny bl.a. till oss "All we
have to do is to ask God for what we need for ourselves and for
one another and know that he will answer. Den enda vi
behöver göra är att be Gud för vad vi behöver för oss själva och
för andra och veta att Han kommer att svara oss." Vidare hörde jag
imorse: "Good things happen when we are in dialogue with God." Bra
saker händer när vi är i dialog med Gud."
"Give light O Lord to all who live in the valley of darkness
and the shadow of doubt. Ge ljus O Herre till alla som lever i
mörkrets dal och skuggan av tvivel". Donal Neary S.J. Jag
tänker speciellt på alla som lider av ensamhet och tvivel på
många olika sätt på grund av Covid. Låt dem känna sig burna av
våra böner. Jesus Heliga Hjärta, vi litar på Dig.
Vi måste fortsätta be för fred i världen och fred bland människor. Come Holy Spirit, Fill the Hearts of Thy Faithful and with the birth of Jesus kindle in them the fire of Your love. Send forth Thy Spirit and we shall be created and You will renew the face of the earth. Kom Helige Ande, fyll dina trognas hjärtan och med Jesus födelse tänd i dem Din kärleks eld. Sänd ut Din Ande och vi skall bli väckta och Du skall förnya jordens ansikte.
Varma hälsningar,
besökare har varit här minst en gång. Om vi sprider adressen blir vi fler! Kanske några också blir inspirerade... |
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